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Jun 11, 2024 · 32 Minutes

Revolutionizing Student Success: Insights from Georgia State

On today’s episode of Higher Ed Spotlight, we sit down with Tim Renick, executive director of the National Institute for Student Success at Georgia State University. Tim shares how his own journey as a student from a modest background at an elite Ivy League college profoundly shaped his approach to boosting student success at Georgia State.

We explore how the university now has one of the fastest-improving graduation rates in the country, especially for underrepresented minority and low-income students. Tim delves into Georgia State’s innovative use of data analytics to identify at-risk students early, providing personalized support that has transformed student outcomes. He explains how the success of his initiatives drew attention from college leaders across the country, leading to the creation of the National Institute for Student Success, an organization dedicated to helping other institutions adopt Georgia State's approaches.

By Higher Ed Spotlight · NISS Content Publisher