Catherine F. Neiner is Executive Director of University Career Services at Georgia State University one of the largest and most diverse institutions in the country. She is one of the architects of Georgia State’s College to Career initiative and serves on the executive committee of its implementation and operation. She was inducted into the National Association of Colleges and Employers Academy of Fellows in 2022, the highest honor in the profession. She received the Georgia Association of Colleges and Employers Founders Award for significant contributions to the profession, the highest honor in the profession in Georgia. In 2006, she was awarded a Fulbright to consult to the newly forming career services profession in Germany. She served on the board of directors for NACE and as president of GACE as well as numerous state, regional, and national leadership positions. She has been an invited speaker at conferences and written articles, chapters, and blogs for various publications. Her TEDx talk, titled Bossy Bitchy Brazen, is on how stereotyping impacts women in career. Her expertise is on accurate expectations of the first post-college career job and on aligning DEI goals with recruiting methods. She has a collection of stress toys accumulated from recruiters over the years and picks one out for a student to play with almost daily.
Catherine Neiner